In 1998, the Compagnia della Vela launched the Uguali nel Vento, project (known today as Uguali nel Vento Onlus (an NPO)). Its objective is to introduce disabled athletes to sailing using class 2.4 S.I boats and, since 2007, i class boats. This allows disabled athletes to sail in absolute parity with able-bodied athletes, pursuing the objective of encouraging the socialization and integration of the disabled in the world of sailing.
The Compagnia della Vela qualified to represent Italy at the 2008 Paralympic Games in Beijing with Sonar class boats.
Over recent years, Uguali nel Vento has developed theoretical contests and has provided many hours of training at sea.
Each year the Uguali nel Vento team participates at national, European and world level regattas.
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